package; import; import; import rescuecore.OutputBuffer; public class FireBrigade extends MovingObject { public static int REFILL_QUANTITY; public static int REFILL_HYDRANT_QUANTITY; public static int MAX_WATER_QUANTITY; private int initialWaterQuantity; private int waterQuantity; private int waterUsed; private boolean changed; public FireBrigade(int id) { super(id); initialWaterQuantity = 0; waterQuantity = 0; waterUsed = 0; changed = false; } public String getType() { return "FIRE_BRIGADE"; } public void setInitialWaterQuantity(int quantity) { initialWaterQuantity = quantity; waterQuantity = quantity; } public int getWaterQuantity() { return waterQuantity; } public int getWaterUsed() { return waterUsed; } public void setWaterQuantity(int quantity) { waterQuantity = quantity; changed = true; } public void addWaterUsed(int quantity) { waterUsed += quantity; } public void nextCycle() { waterUsed = 0; changed = false; } public void reset() { waterQuantity = initialWaterQuantity; waterUsed = 0; changed = false; } public boolean hasChanged() { return changed; } public boolean refillInHydrant() { //System.out.println(getID()+" Location is:"+getLocation()+" "+getLocation().getType()); if(!(getLocation().getType().equals("HYDRANT"))) return false; for (Object next : world.getFirebrigades()) { FireBrigade firebrigade = (FireBrigade)next; if(firebrigade.getLocationID()==this.getLocationID()&& firebrigade.getID() MAX_WATER_QUANTITY) setWaterQuantity(MAX_WATER_QUANTITY); else setWaterQuantity(getWaterQuantity() + REFILL_HYDRANT_QUANTITY); return true; } public boolean refillInRefuge() { if (!(getLocation().isRefuge())) return false; int fr = ((Refuge) getLocation()).getFieryness(); if (fr == 3 || fr == 6 || fr == 7) return false; if (getWaterQuantity() + REFILL_QUANTITY > MAX_WATER_QUANTITY) { setWaterQuantity(MAX_WATER_QUANTITY); } else { setWaterQuantity(getWaterQuantity() + REFILL_QUANTITY); } return true; } public boolean refill() { // if (!getCurrentAction().equals("AK_REST")){ // return false; // }unusable because the old simulator don't know the last action if (getLocation() == null) return false; if(refillInHydrant()) return true; if(refillInRefuge()) return true; return false; } }